Thursday, January 22, 2009

The change cometh

What more can I add to all that’s been said about this beautiful week? Not much. Just when I was coming off my inauguration high, Obama’s first executive orders came down. Oh, yes, it’s real. Closing Guantanamo, ending torture, opening government, protecting public lands from oil drilling, lifting the global gag order—sweet rain in the desert.

And then there was the news that Michelle Obama does not plan to spend all her time on selecting ball gowns and redecorating the White House. She has just appointed the general counsel of the National Partnership for Women and Families to be her policy director. The Wall Street Journal describes Jocelyn Frye as “one of Washington’s most visible advocates of expanding family leave and ending pregnancy discrimination” and reads the appointment as a signal that Michelle Obama is “preparing to take an activist stance on such policy issues as family leave and flexible scheduling.”

Looks like Michelle too may have the Obama touch, the ability to make hot button issues safe for prime time, She’s jujitsuing the requirement for the First Lady to focus on family into a feminist agenda.

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