Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Birth mothers react to Juno

I know from reader feedback that Katha Pollitt and I aren’t after all alone in finding Juno disturbing. Thanks, gentle readers. Thanks now also to the Chicago Tribune, which ran a piece last week about reactions to the film by women who gave children up for adoption.

Check out the lead:
When Kateri McCann gave up her baby for adoption, she was a lot like the heroine of the hit movie "Juno": young, starry-eyed, and in love with the idea of doing the best thing for herself and her child while making the dream of parenthood a reality for a deserving couple.
She thought she could outsmart grief, she says, and for about a year and a half she succeeded.
Then came the tears, the nightmares, the spiraling depression.
And this:
McCann [says] that Cody, the "Juno" screenwriter, nails the initial stages of adoption with eerie precision, but misses the big picture almost entirely.
"It seems like [Cody] knew someone in that situation, paid really close attention -- and then lost contact when [the birth mother] became depressed."

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